See my new backdrop? Oh yes, it is the photo shot on my 1st post, casting by myself, shoot by -babYmiLz-, review the post here. I still think the backdrop needs to be lighter, a bit more transparent, will try and fix it when free.
I'd problem of the new blogger format and it'd been PLAYED me for a while and I can PLAY it well now to have better Graphics...Goodness, time afford!!
Actually, we are team of 2 working on my blogs - Cool Jenny + -babYmiLz- and thanks for -babYmiLz-, xx
Well, friends are calling again, telling me it's not my style to have a Big face on my blog, too commercial? However, we can't voice for the world, I should listen from the public and care of them, may be it's good, just open and try...
I reckon - Art + Design + Photographs, very person, never good or bad, you like it or you don't like it.
For sure, I'll do something you will like it, xxx
If my blog is TOTALLY 100% of my style, I can tell, no one likes it, coz I like the Graphics very different to Ladies..I like GeoMetry Pattern/ Texture, a Lady like GeoMery, what do you think??
I am starting to sell my Photos, my Selling Point is Original Shot with No Editing.
If I am going to edit my photos, it would be something creative. I am trying to work on GeoMetry Graphic + Photo and it will be Matted.
It means, Either Original or Artificial, no Mid Tone, haha..
Moon Cake Story
I just got back from Lunch, these days are busy, I always had my meal in the mall on my building and I found something interesting....
These are very traditional cake for Mid Autumn Festival, kind of Moon Cake without the yellow egg inside (For kids coz cheaper, haha)...The older generation, life is so hard, working for living, they didn't really have entertainment, no cartoon, no TV games (Oh sorry, it should be PSP now!!)...so something very simple to let their kids so happy....I reckon, that is better...Life should be Simple...and I miss those days..
I used to have it when Little Jenny and they made me missing my Mom...
This is the Original Packaging for Moon Cake, Paper Box. I am glad to see them in the Shop and thanks to this Shop who brought me the Invaluable Memory, Salute!!
I miss the lady on the Packaging, I used to see her once a year, haha..! Then I knew I'll have Moon Cake and Lots of fruits after Mid Autumn Gathering Dinner...again, I miss those days!
Oh yes, and Lantern, not electrical one, the Original Version Paper + Candle, where is my Rabbit Lantern, I should get the same one I used to have!!
This week is so busy, normal work + Product Shooting + Event Preparation + Study....I am starting to Launch my Products, the 1st Product, you can find at the right bar, FASHIONISTA BOW HOBO and FASHIONISTA BOW NITE OUT PURSE. They are both details with Bow, even Lady Ga Ga used it for a while and I still want it coz it brings Ladies Elegantz.
Selling at Erayo. For Purchase, please visit here
I actually really want you to see something...this is the back-stage - My House!!!
Sis keeps saying, you shouldn't make your house like THAT!!...
So, Fans, please supports by PURCHASE the BAGZ!! For Purchase, Click here or email to info@JCDesign-Ltd.com
Interested in the book cover on the couch? U are Smart!!
They have Amazing Kollections...
How many men will give up something important of their life coz of a Lady he loves? It's Romantic, It's....
I will be posting some of the Best on Art Appreciation, Don't Miss it!
Studio Class Review
It have been a week since I had Studio Photography Class.
Excuse me for my bad Product Photos shooting at my house coz I am not ready for Studio Set Up yet, a bit busyz still, one step at a time...
The class was great, do not count my bad photos of my work of Studio Class. Craig is always Great and Professional, here are the work from the Class..
Guess which shots I took?? These...
I am lucky coz my classmate with Camera Face, her eyes were killing me when I looked thru the viewfinder..
So, my 1st Portrait shots are not too bad...;-) Thanks Craige!!
The Class is Wonderful Experience and very Reasonable Price. I'll have another class for Photoshop once I settle something on my hands.
More Studio Class photos here and you can find that Craig is working as OUR CREW!!!
To gain more experience, I am organizing an Event 'Trade Shoot" at Hong Kong Photography Club Meet Up Group, more information, view here, welcome for any Volunteers!!!
Coming Next Week, Project with Brazilians