Thursday, October 21, 2010


Watched the Movie EAT PRAY LOVE last week and I reckon it is a good Movie.
Thanks to Iris O for organizing the Movie Nite, xx
It is a Movie for those Single Women, think there is something missing in their lives...
I was One of Them, hopefully I found myself since ending up 2 months long holiday, haha..
There was something very frustrating happened to me in the past 2 years and I swallowed it, sharing most of them with Sis and part of them with friends...
Then, I decided to have 2 months holiday reviewing my life...
At the end, I found, if something is happening to you, it will be happened...
Then, I met Him, I got a good Job and many Jobs keep offering...
Sharing my experience, a Good Personality, Passionate with Life and Positive Thinking are always the Winner!
I am going to read this book, hehe..